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We apologize in advance, you will need to re-enter your personal info. (first order only.) If you have an issue with your ordering, please call 207-204-0025.
Salt is the ultimate flavor enhancer. A great tasting salt is the finishing touch that brings out the full flavor in most of the food we eat. Harvested by hand in Brittany France, gray Celtic Sea Salt® is considered by many chefs to be the very best for cooking and finishing dishes. Culinary professionals praise it for its flavor and quality, and health professionals for its unrefined purity and naturally occurring minerals.
Celtic Sea Salt® is a product of natural crystallization of the ocean waters and reveals the ocean's true essence. Keep it on hand in a salt cellar or a salt tray.
Celtic Sea Salt® is a registered trademark of Celtic Ocean International, Inc. and is used through a licensing arrangement.
All Natural Ingredients: Sea Salt
Maine-ly Drizzle staff enjoy putting together and providing our customers with easy to follow recipes that use our products. Click on the link below for the recipes that use this product. Bon Appetite. If you would like to share a recipe with us, please use the "contact us" button. We would appreciate hearing from you! You will also find all of our recipes from the main menu "Using Oil & Vinegars-Recipes" link.